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A Topiwalah and monkeys

This happened in earlier twentieth century in 1910.
 there was a man whose name was topiwalah (topiwalah means a hat seller people's second name indicates sometimes their trade) so he is going from village to village, town to town selling hats in the tropical heat.

 One afternoon he felt tired and he went and sat down under a tree, opened his meager lunch and ate and dozed off.
 After a little while he opened his eyes and to his horror all the hats were gone, he looked all over the place, no hats.

 when you do everything possible and when you don't know what else to do people pray so looked up to pray and he saw a bunch of monkeys setting there all hats on,he screamed at them,they screamed back at him.
He abused they abused him in their own language.

He picked up whatever he could and threw it at them and they picked up whatever they could and threw at him.
 Not knowing what to do and out of sheer frustration he took his hat and flung it on the ground, all the monkeys took their hats and flung it on the ground.

 and he picked them up and went about his business.

In  2013, December 21st.
 Another man was going around selling the hats, his name also happens to be topiwalah, and one afternoon he went and sat under a tree,ate his elaborate lunch and promptly fell asleep.

After some time he woke up, hats gone, he didn't look here and there, he looked straight up a bunch of monkeys were sitting hats on.
 he got up and jived, they all jived. he made funny faces, they made funny faces. he had all the fun he wanted to have when he was all done.

 he picked up his hat and flung it on the ground.

A baboon of a monkey quickly came down picked up the hat walked towards him and gave him a tight slap in the face and said 'you idiot you think that only you had a grandfather'.

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