
If you
have mastery over your life energies, a hundred percent of your life and destiny will be in
your hands.

Once it happened…
A gentleman went drinking with
his buddies. He thought he would have a quick drink and go home at eight o’clock. 
And so he did. He had a quick drink, and a quick drink, and another quick drink. And then one more
quick drink.

He looked at his watch. It said two thirty. He got off the barstool.
he balanced himself and started making
his journey homeward.
Taking a shortcut through a park, he fell headlong into a rosebush. His face became a mess.

He gathered himself and started making his way again. In this condition, he reached home,
and tried to find the keyhole. But those wretched keyholes nowadays are made so small!

That took another twenty minutes.
He finally got in and stumbled into the bedroom. Fortunately, the wife was a big sleeper.

He went into the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror. His face was a real mess. He opened
the medicine cabinet, took out some medicine and a box of Band-Aids and fixed himself,
whichever way he could. Then he crawled quietly into bed.

Next morning, his wife threw a bucket of cold water on his face.
He woke up gasping, feeling water-boarded. He said, “Why, why? It’s only a Sunday!”
She said, “You fool! Once again drinking?”
“No, honey, I promised you six months ago. Since then, I haven’t touched a drop.”
She held him by the shirt, dragged him into the bathroom, and showed him: the Band-Aids
were all over the mirror!

When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you. To
achieve well-being the only one who needs to be fixed is you. What you forget is that when
you are sick, it is you who needs the medication. When you are hungry, it is you who needs the
food. The only one that needs to be fixed is you, but just to understand this simple fact people
take lifetimes!

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