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'Gulliver's Travels' : A World Classic

Gulliver's Travels is an adventure story by Jonathan Swift, published in 1 726. It is an account of several
voyages of Lemuel Gulliver,
 a ship's surgeon.

 Because of a series of mishaps, Gulliver ends upon several unknown islands.
He meets with, and lives with people and
animals of unusual sizes, behaviour, and

 However, after each adventure he somehow manages to return to his
home in England, where he recovers from
these unusual experiences, and then sets
out again on a new voyage.

What makes the book a world classic is
the treatment. Swift has represented ideas
as grotesque creatures, absurd customs as
absurd objects, and the familiar as some-
thing new and surprising.

 The book is divided into four sections, and is part novel,
part adventure, and part satire.
 It did not
stick to any rules, and is widely considered
to be Swift's greatest work, as well as one of the indisputable classics of English       literature.

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