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Get in shape

A vigorous walk will do more for an unhappy but
otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and
psychology in the world.

Getting in shape physically is a wonderful way of building your confidence and

 It’s not easy to feel confident if you’re overweight, and exhausted after
climbing a flight of stairs.

Health and fitness are just like any other areas of life: get the causes right and the
effects come right too.

 This means, for instance, sensible eating, good breathing
and posture, regular exercise and plenty of laughter and relaxation.

The recipe for better health, maximum energy, minimum illness and an extended
lifespan has a familiar ring to it:

■ Choose fitness: make it your intention to be healthy.

■ Think health and fitness.

■ Imagine yourself in peak condition.

■ Act ‘as if’ you want to be as fit and healthy as possible.

A poor diet lowers the body’s resistance to disease, drains it of energy and
inhibits the efficient workings of the brain.

Educate your taste buds to
appreciate fresh, nutritious, easily digested, cruelty-free foods and keep the
poisons (chemical additives, artificial sweeteners, etc) out of your system.

The ideal diet for most people is approximately 60% fresh fruit and
vegetables, 20-25% whole grains, 10% (maximum) protein foods and
10% (maximum) fats.

A plentiful supply of fresh, clean air is essential for good health.

breathing supplies much-needed oxygen to the brain and helps
eliminate waste products and dead cells.

Do some deep breathing every day.

Give your body what it needs, and it will return the favour!

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