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Exercises To Make Breathing Easier


Your diaphragm is the
muscle that controls
breathing, and because
it is located right above
your abdomen, you can
strengthen them to-

 Lie on your back
with your knees bent,
keeping one hand on
your stomach and the
other on your chest.

Inhale deeply, slowly
pulling the air into your
abdomen. (The hand
on your belly should
rise higher than the hand
on your chest as you
inhale.) Exhale through
your mouth. Try to wait
seven seconds before
inhaling again.


This exercise strengthens
 the upper back
muscles and opens your
chest cavity, allowing for
full lung volume.

 Sit on the floor with your legs
in front of you, knees
slightly bent. Loop a re-
sistance band (available
at most sporting-goods
stores) around the
bottoms of your feet
and crisscross it in front
of you in an X.

 Holding an end in each hand,
extend your arms, then
pull backward until your
hands meet your chest.
Repeat at least six times
three days a week.


Walking doesn’t just get
your heart pumping and
work your leg muscles—
it also builds up the
area around your lungs
to help them function

 To get the most
out of your stroll, stand
straight, with your head
up and your shoulders
back, and maintain a
heel-to-toe stride. These
tiny tweaks prevent
your rib cage from
compressing, allowing
your lungs to fully ex-
 Incorporate deep
breathing to increase
your air intake. Work
up to walking three or
four days a week.

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